My name is Shemma, (that's short for Shemmariah would you believe)
I live in sunny Perth (Western Australia) with my husband of almost four years; (as of May 2011, aka right now) Samuel (or sometimes 'Teej', its a long story).
I am not a chef or a cook of any sort, but, as stated in my very first blog entry, I am a Painter and Decorator, a humble trades-woman. Yes, I have a pair of overalls, some steel cap boots and a tool box, all of which have nothing to do with cooking. Really that's about it for outside the world of cooking. Inside the world of cooking? for the last say, four years I guess, I have been doing some cooking for my church. Enough cooking to exhaust a person. However, recently, something very strange happened. I discovered that I still really, really liked cooking. I had not been worn out by the hours of chopping, skewering, frying, grating, juicing, stirring and baking but quite the opposite. I had grown to adore it! I LOVE COOKING!
I began posting recipes and photo's on FB which lead to a few people recommending I start a blog. I admit, at first the idea was off putting and I just laughed them aside. But eventually, I overcame my fear's and lunged into the blogging world. So here I am ladies and gentlemen, swimming around with thousands of other wanna-be-writers in the food-blog-ocean, hoping to catch the interest of any paddling reader's swimming past.
So there it is folks; Me.
If you want to know more, read my blog :)