Sunday, 30 June 2013

Winter breakfast


Winter is here. Porridge has become a normal event- mainly because we can both eat it and I don't have to make two breakfasts. Learning, slowly, the tricks of the mother-trade. And anyway, who doesn't love a big bowl of porridge and berries to feed not only a chilly body in the morning but a beloved sense of nostalgia? 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Consistent house guests (CAKE!)


Pear and Nutella tarte tartin. 

It's the small things like these that dot throughout my meal making that bring me so much joy. These simple pleasures that, whilst lack the grandure of my great cooking quests, have been walking through my kitchen as if regular guests. 

I realise my cooking style has been changing. From elaborate, to simple. From great discovery to gentle consistency. Healthier to some degree- that is, mostly healthier....except for all the cakes. 
And chocolates. 
And tarte tartines..... 

Just discovered blogger has an app. I guess if the blogging was to continue, it would have to change style too.....